Cantor Hans Bloemendal – Kaddish

3 April 2020 – Shabbat is almost here

Get relief with Dr. Hans Bloemendal, chief cantor of the Main Synagogue in Amsterdam, born in 1923 in the German city of Fulda, sent by his father to Amsterdam after the rise of Nazi regime and settled there until the end of his life in 2015. Let’s listen to his Kaddish.

I have been discussing with myself between the idea of chosing something joyful to cheer up or something more introspective, for this occasion in this difficult time.

Today I complete 3 weeks of confinement. My father is at the hospital from the last night (I think and wish he will be well and at home before Pesaj) and many people have died. You are also confined and I hope you and all your people are well. The election of a Kaddish, in this amazing rendition, feels like optimal.

Dr. Hans Bloemendal was chazzan at the Main Synagogue in Amsterdam from 1949. During the war he went into hiding. His family was killed in Sobibor.

His contributions to the world were not only his art: he developed an initiative of books for kids and he was also a teacher and a researcher in biochemistry and molecular biology. This info is available in the bio here. I really recommend to read it. And the picture is from here.

The picture that illustrates the video below, with the recording, is of a grandfather with his blind granddaughter in Warsaw in 1938. The author is Roman Vishniac, who travelled across central and Eastern Europe, photographing the Jewish communities, both in the cities as well as in rural areas, before de II World War. If you didn´t know him (I confess I discovered him yesterday, thanks to this picture in the video, and I spent hours looking at his works), his bio is also worth of reading. It is curious that he was also a biologist.

One last thing. Next week this email won’t be sent before Shabbat, but before Pesaj.

Clic the picture to enjoy the recording of Dr. Hans Bloemendal:

I hope you’ll like it and, if so, feel free to share it and invite your friends to join us.
It is as symple as sending this link to sign up.

Shabbat Shalom.

Araceli Tzigane | Mapamundi Música

And we share with you one hour of Jewish music for joy in this playlist.

To know more about our artists, click here.

May you always find the light in your path. 

These is our artistic offer for live show:
Jako el Muzikante – Gulaza Janusz Prusinowski Kompania Jewish Memory

Chazzan Moshe Bazian – Rachamono D’onay

13 March 2020 – Shabbat is almost here

Enjoy with the outstanding Chazzan Moshe Bazian, born in Chișinău, current capital city of Moldova (region of Bessarabia), in 1925, and settled in USA in 1949.

The first time I listened a chazzan was he, more than 20 years ago. I don’t remember how did that happen. Maybe a compilation of world music? Maybe in one of those P2P programs in which other users could send you music? The true is that I don’t remember but, in the opossite, I never forgot this piece and this voice, the amazing micro melismata, the dynamics, and all of this, serving a message that I was able only to imagine. Even today I don’t know what does Rachamono D’onay mean (any kind soul could explain it to me?).

I felt like looking back to that time… The whole world is in the biggest crisis I’ve seen in my life. In my country it is quite likely that, from tomorrow, we won’t be even allowed to go out to the street. Nevertheless, the standards of life and security of nowadays are much better than in Moshe Bazian’s time. We all are going to suffer but we will recover, you know. In the meantime… 

…clic the picture to enjoy the recording Rachamono D’onay and let yourself go in the spell of his voice:

I hope you’ll like it and, if so, feel free to share it and invite your friends to join us.
It is as symple as sending this email with… …. this button to sign up

Shabbat Shalom.

Araceli Tzigane | Mapamundi Música

And we share with you one hour of music for joy in this playlist.
To know more about our artists, click here.


Moshe Band – Klein un Grosser

21 February 2020 – Shabbat is almost here

Enjoy with Jewish music from Slovakia by Moshe Band (Mojše Band in Slovak).

Listen their piece Klein un Grosser, from the album Zipserim, and read these statements about the piece by the leader of the band, Michal Paľko.

“Klein un Grosser is not only the tittle of story about relationships between two members (one rich, one pure) of former Jewish comunity in small city in northern part of Autro-hungarian monarchy, for me its at first funny song about wisdom and satira.

Its very typical music for celebrating Purim because in fact Klein un Grosser story is former famous Purimspiel in ZIPS region. Also the stylisc and plystilistics feeling and sound of track its all that time oscilationg between Hungarian opereta, with deeply klezmer influancies and modern disco=pop=rock song. Enjoy!”

I hope you’ll like it and, if so, feel free to share it and invite your friends to join us. It is as symple as sending us an email saying: sign me up for the Music Before Shabbat. 

Shabbat Shalom.

Araceli Tzigane | Mapamundi Música

May you always find the light in your path.

And we share with you one hour of music for joy in this playlist.
To know more about our artists, click here.