I ask that if you’re going to contact me seeking a manager or booking agent, you read until the end.

I can offer you some specific services. I can also provide mentorship to assist you in navigating your career path. I can help you identify what you can do, where you might be falling short, resolve it, and plan the next steps.

Based on my experience with various artists, my proposal is to start with a package of 5 sessions, to be carried out over 3 to 5 months. Let me address a couple of questions that may have come up:

  • Why this period? Be cause you will need time between sessions to carry out the activities we have agreed upon. It is essential that you commit to the process and fulfill what is agreed upon in the sessions.
  • Why five sessions? Because a one-time session is not as useful. It is necessary to establish a recurrence that allows us to review what has been done and plan new steps. Five sessions over several months will help you develop an approach to address the strategy and tasks necessary to continue autonomously.

Contact me for more details.

Returning to the topic of finding a manager or booking agent. Almost every day I receive proposals of this nature. It’s important for you to understand from the beginning that when a musician or band offers to collaborate with me, what they typically offer is for me to work for them for free, fighting to progress on their dreams, with no certainty that the effort will pay off. Starting with an artist is always a significant effort. Often it even involves a direct financial investment, to complete materials that the artist doesn’t yet have, such as a good live video, good photos, etc. Now, from my point of view, perhaps you’ll understand that what you’re offering may not sound very appealing, no matter how great your art is. Seriously consider what you’re offering me. Are you willing to invest in your own career? To what extent? Why would what you’re offering be interesting to me? Answer these questions before contacting me or any of my colleagues.