Hudaki Village Band celebrates music and friendship, back to the stage

Little by little music returns to the stages. And it may be the moment now for small gatherings in which to celebrate music and friendship, that we are all healthy, our voices are strong and our intruments are tuned.

Enjoy with us and with Hudaki Village Band this recent moment at Zhovid the Residence, Ukraine.

Watch the video at the bottom

And if you have the handicap of not speaking Ukranian, don’t worry, here you are the lyrics of these two pieces:

Let’s drink, guys

Hey boys, let’s drink, let’s drink,
while we are still together,
because afterwards we will part,
like sheep in the pasture.
Oh, it is good to be a shepherd
and to be unwed,
looking upon the village
from the highest mountain meadow.

Mariko humiliated me

Hey, I gaze into the valley,
into the valley,
as my friend embraces my beloved.
Oh my God, blonde girl,
Marichko, you humiliated me.
Yea, I gaze into the valley,
into the valley,
as my friend embraces my beloved.