Xabi Aburruzaga wins the Musika Bulegoa Saria (Music Office) award with Bost

“For its quality, originality, folk innovation and collaborative work.”

Xabi Aburruzaga wins the award Musika Bulegoa Saria for his album Bost

Photo by Javier Martín, with Xabi Aburruzaga and his musicians collaborators Aitor Uribarri and Eriz Perez

It is a pleasure to share good news in these times. Also to receive them. Yesterday Xabi explained to me the specific details of this award and sent me several photos. In this one above, although you can’t see their smile, you can feel it.

This is the fourth edition of these awards created by the Euskal Herriko Musika Bulegoa Elkartea (Basque Country Music Office). The merits recognised by the jury have been:

  • “For the quality, originality, folk innovation and collaborative work”.
  • Mekoleta is called to be one of the great songs of Basque music.”
  • “The whole work has a perfect sound.”

And about the work Bost they indicate, for example, that “Xabi Aburruzaga has made a journey inside himself and has dedicated Bost to the public, to continue feeding the universe of Basque folk music”.

Xabi has just sent me this photo from his studio, Xabi’s Road, in Zamudio, very close to Bilbao airport, and I cannot resist sharing the moment with you with his spontaneity. Xabi has given me permission. The studio also hosts productions by other artists.

¡Haz click en la imagen para escuchar Bost