Gulaza (Israel/Yemen)

“Igal stamps his personality on his sources; his voice being almost erotic as it suddenly drops in range. Whether on the album, or on stage, he brings a fiery passion to these ancient texts, making them sound like poems.” Nathalie Freson,

Intimate songs by the Yemenite women, sang for the first time in public by a man, the captivating Igal Gulaza Mizrahi, accompained by three artists in a state of grace. 

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Instinctive and mystical texts that have passed for centuries from mother to daughter acquire a modern and contemporary meaning in a special instrumental composition. The combination of traditional Saharan strings, cello and acoustic guitars, and the fact that these songs are sang for the first time by a man – creates a unique soundtrack that takes the listener into the deep world of the women in Yemen.

This is Gulaza: secret Yemenite women songs unveiled and sang for the first time by a man, the dazzling Igal Gulaza Mizrahi, masterfully accompained by three graceful musicians. 

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