You can contact us in the data above in the right and we paste them here too: and +34 676302882

The management of Vigüela is the responsibility of Mapamundi Música / Araceli Tzigane ( This web is done by Araceli, with contents made mainly by us and the group and some pictures by friends. If you miss anything or want to support us with any idea, feel free to tell us.

If you want to contact with the members of the band, all of them are active in social networks, mainly Facebook, with their real names. We recommend you to follow the group at Facebook, as we share interesting contents, not only about us, but also about other friends and the environment of the music we love.

And the email  is received both by Araceli and Juan Antonio Torres.

And if you want to be part of a exclusive group of friends, don´t miss this here below! ??



For subscribers, we send news and premieres, occasionally, when we have something important to say or when we want to feast you. Subscribe to be part of the close friends group and not to miss anything: