Music and video

Audio selection from Temperamento album:



Son, live in Kracow:

Rondeña, with Janusz Prusinowski Kompania and María Siwiec:

Polish mazurca, with Janusz Prusinowski Kompania and Maria Siwiec:


Vigüela is a core of cuartet with guests artists. At the picture you see, from left to right: Juan Antonio Torres, Luis García Valera, Mari Nieto, Carmen Torres.

In alphabetical order:

Carmen (Menchu) Torres. Voice and percussions. Native from El Carpio de Tajo.

“Vigüela is my second family. I enjoy a lot learning with the group, it helps me to break away from the daily routine. In summary, I have great fun because I like a lot to dance, sing and work with them.”


Juan Antonio Torres. Voice, percussions, guitar, rebec. Native from El Carpio de Tajo.

“Thanks to Vigüela I can confirm that my work and my research about these kinds of music is not only my own personal truth, but also my partner’s. A real pleasure.”


Luis García Valera. Voice, strings and percussion. Native from Braojos, mountain range of Madrid region.

“Way back to the roots. In my quest to deepen and to learn about Iberian music I went to Toledo to the lessons by Vigüela and, when they proposed me to work with them, it was curious to make a trip back to the roots, moving away from the mountain and, at the same time, to get closer and to understand better what I had learnt from my family with my father and my grandfather, to learn music from other regions of Spain and to get deeper into the singing, the phrasing, my relationship with lute… It is been a pleasure to make this with my mates, to investigate in the music and the styles from other regions and to provide the resources we already had to that we are getting in this path“.

Mari Nieto. Voice and percussions. Native from El Carpio de Tajo.

“To be part of Vigüela means a lot to me. It is not only a pleasure: it is also a honor. It has given me the chance to discover, enjoy and learn from “the best ones””.
